Our Beit Midrash

Beit Orot, a Yerushalmi Beit Midrash for army graduates, follows Rav Kook’s teachings, and is intended for students who have finished their army service and wish to commit to Torah study before continuing on their life course – raising a family, studying a profession and working.

Since 5783 (2022) Rabbi Chen David Hallamish has served as head of the Beit Midrash. Rabbi Chen is a 30 year resident of “Ir David’ neighborhood, a graduate of ‘Merkaz Harav’ Yeshiva and served as a Ram (Reish Metivta, teacher) at various Yeshivas. He also serves as a major when on Miluim (army reserve duty).

Our Beit Midrash hosts about thirty students, both single and married. Over the next few years we expect to increase to 100 post army students. Our curriculum is a result of many years’ experience teaching post army students. It incorporates studies of Talmud, Mishnah, Halacha and Emunah together with programs meant to empower those who have experienced the army and all of its challenges.

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Students share:

Students share:

"This year in the Beit Midrash had such a strong influence on me, and gave me insights that I never thought I would reach. It brought me to a better understanding of myself, my relationship with the Torah and my worship of G-d in a very deep and healthy way."

"Post army Torah study is targeted at the real thing, and you start practicing what you preach right away. Because of the way the Beit Midrash is, the studies harmonize with life and help me realize the way I unite with the Torah and the way I want to live my life."

"This immense Torah that touched me, a vast and deep Torah, which aspires to elevate and bless each piece of the being to its G-dly root, without compromising over one manifestation of life, one bit of Torah, one bit of experience, one emotion or being.."